What Does A Kidney Specialist Do Need A Good Kidney Specialist.. One Third Of A Kidney Functioning. Diabetic And Tumors. Need Help.?

Need a good kidney specialist.. One third of a kidney functioning. Diabetic and tumors. Need help.? - what does a kidney specialist do

I have a friend who had tumors in the kidneys. She is diabetic and has only 1 / 3 of a kidney has stopped functioning. I'm trying to find a good specialist in the kidneys. Has anyone ideas for a doctor who could help? You will die if nothing is done immediately. 'S Dr. is not helping. They say they can not be a transplant. I hope that a doctor there who could help. I would appreciate any input. And I thank you sincerely.


gazeygoo said...

A patient with the amount of the loss of kidney function, no doubt, will think of taking care of a nephrologist (kidney specialist) I, this question is a little strange, because you have to ask, without any special medical care and on the grounds that A) knows he has only 1 / 3 of 1 in renal and B) How she has a tumor. It is common for diabetics on dialysis, and that person would certainly dialysis prescribed by a physician at a specified level. Are you really sure that all the facts here?

Batmen said...

Depends on where you are. I had performed a transplant in SF - UCSF. World-renowned hospital. Medicare covers most if not all the same way $ $ $ no problem. They are the best! For now, I recommend you consult a nephrologist early to get a complete diagnosis.

sugars_t... said...

examine the evidence on my side.

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